Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Rain

It is Monday and it is raining. Monday is the day I wash the bed linens and hang them out to dry. On Monday mornings before the sheets even lose the warmth from our bodies I pull them off the bed and toss them in the washer. It takes longer for the bedspread to dry so it goes in the washer first. But today it is raining. I almost want to call this post "Ode to Rain" because it seems like ages since we had the kind of gentle soaking rain that has been falling since this morning.

The birds don't seem to mind the rain, in fact it invites them to search the yard for worms. And the dogs have been alternating between digging small holes in the wet dirt and running up on the porch to roll on the rug to wipe the excess moisture off their fur before going back to turning up the soft soil.  Sadie and Shamus the cats have taken refuge under the leyland cyprus and the Dodge Ram respectively.

The overcast day and gentle patter of the rain have caused me to slow down and sit longer between chores of the day than I normally would.  I am contemplating a nap this afternoon on the bed with fresh sheets.

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