Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Sound and the Fury

Next book up: The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. I had no idea before I started to read the book one night having retired early to bed to read what it was about. After a couple of pages I am like "what the what?" I was having a hard time following the story so I started rubbing my eyes - as if that would clear my mind. No way. Still didn't quite get it but I kept reading hoping it would change up or something. The next morning I tried again and got to a second day I mean chapter. The chapters are made up of dates the first being April 7, 1928. The first chapter was told from a mentally retarded individual and jumped around in years. The second chapter was narrated by a guy who you could tell was going to commit suicide. It was easier to follow but that didn't necessarily make me feel better because you knew this chapter was not going to turn out well.  These two individuals are from the same sad family. Do not read this book if you are the least bit depressed.  Finally I googled this book and got a little insight into what was going on. Apparently Faulkner was one of the guys experimenting with writing in something called "steam of consciousness" or whatever. That is why the story jumped around so much. I wasn't reading a story I was listening to someone "think." Since I didn't have to read this for English class and write a report or pass a test on this book I quit reading it around page 91.

This book was hard to follow and depressing. And I really did not like any of the characters. I just didn't have any interest or empathy for them. And I am a southerner. I thought that Faulkner must of been doing drugs when he wrote this, and after I looked up some information about him I don't think I was too far off. Seems like he had a drinking problem and it also seems like he does not have a high opinion of women. At least in this book.

Enough of this. Recommendation: do not read if you are looking for something interesting or uplifting or makes sense.

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